Live Your Brilliance
Karen Barker R.M.T. Integrated Therapies
Karen Barker R.M.T.
My Personal experience of chronic pain has brought me to the work I do today. Born with necrotic femoral arteries, the hip joint was compromised in its development which caused severe osteoarthritis at the young age of 14.
It took perseverance and strength of will to find a surgeon who would operate on a 36 year old woman. By this age I was crippled.
In 1996, I was gifted with two hip replacements. Pain free for the first time in my lifetime. I taught myself how to walk properly and retrain my mind to accept this new reality.
2013, with 9 complicated hip surgeries I feel this chapter of my life is completed. It has become a personal passion to inspire others to find peace of mind, joy and beauty of life. The choice to live a harmonious life. A component to my brilliant recovery was the journey of training my mind to accept, receive and choose to embrace the positive.
Visceral Manipulation and Cranial Therapy
Dr. Jean Pierre Barral, an osteopath in Grenoble, France, developed Visceral Manipulation in 1971. Dr. Barral was treating a patient who had back pain. The patient confirmed he felt relief when “an old man” he’d been going to “pushed on his abdomen”. Dr. Barral noticed increased movement in his spine. This sparked his curiosity in the body’s internal relationship with the spine.
After years of research, thousands of clients, and his profound knowledge of the anatomy, he developed Visceral Manipulation. Europeans undergo vigorous testing in VM before earning their diploma on the internal structures. Dr. Barral will often say “IF YOU ARE CAUSING PAIN YOU ARE NOT DOING THE WORK CORRECTLY..THE BODY HAS HAD ENOUGH PAIN”.
There are 4 factors that they have found influence the function of the viscera. The soft tissue that is to be referred to as the viscera is the nerve tissue, blood vessels, organs and the brain.
Physical Factor: encompasses motor vehicle accidents, birth, falls surgery and abuse both physical and sexual.
Thermal: heat exhaustion, sunstroke, frostbite, hypothermia, burns.
Chemical: includes excess alcohol, smoking, poisoning and exposure to toxic substances, drugs, and infections be it viral or bacterial.
Emotional: increased stress, anger, depression, and fears.
The viscera is governed by the involuntary nervous system and does not differentiate between physical and psychological pain. For example receiving news of the death of a loved one can cause real physical symptoms of nausea, stomach pain, dizziness, etc.
In a treatment loose clothing is worn. The internal structures have a different tension in gravity than in lying down, so assessments are done in standing and in sitting.
The brain in also classified as viscera. The cranial osteopathic techniques release strain patterns in the membranes surrounding the brain therefore restoring balance in the environment around the brain. Yes, it directly affects the cerebrospinal fluid as in the Craniosacral work of Dr. John Upledger.
I have been studying with Jean Pierre since 1997. In October 1999, I travelled to St Etienne, France. At the International Osteopathic College I studied the urogenital manual techniques. In Ayr, Scotland I join the U.K. division of the Barral Institute to enhance my skills with Dr. Barral. He shares his new research and techniques. I await to return for the “Brain” Class once Covid restrictions lift.
I see amazing results and have had the personal experience through my chronic pain journey of this successful and profound work. I see it as a key to wellness….Naturally.
Fractures or broken bones
Whiplash of Falls
Sports Injuries
Joint and Ligament Injuries
Scar Tissue resulting from injury, post radiation or surgical adhesion’s
Concussions, Traumatic Brain Injuries
Sensory Changes; tingling, numbness, nerve pain, sciatic, spinal cord injury
Degenerative conditions, osteoarthritis
Migraines, Headaches
Post partum Conditions and Difficult Deliveries
Benefits In The Treatment Of:
Unique Benefits in Providing Assistance with Childhood Conditions
Birth Trauma (moms can benefit too)
Delayed Fine or Gross Motor skills
Seizure Activity
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity
Poor Sleep Patterns
Learning Disabilities
Digestive Difficulties and Colic
Treatment Sessions
Mobility tests are generally assessed in standing and seated positions. The evaluation is done with the patient clothed or as needed. No prior paperwork is necessary.
Insurance Coverage
Please check with your Insurance Representative for details if you have coverage for Registered Massage Therapy.
Cancellation Policy
We appreciate a 24 hour notice of cancellations, otherwise full payment is required. due to illness or those travelling in winter months consideration is given to weather and road conditions. Prices vary in various office locations.
Office Hours
Wednesday - Saturday
Please book via this website, or phone (403) 609-7020.
First treatment is $150/hour, including G.S.T.
Half-hour sessions are $75.
Payable in cash, cheque or *e-transfer
*requires payment prior to treatment.
Monday (1-5 pm), Tuesday (10:00 – 5 pm)
Located at Full Circle Collaborative Health Ctr
#102, 506-71 Ave SW, Calgary
please call 587-352-9199
I offer phone/online consultations ($50)